3 Quotes & Sayings By Colleen Bader

Colleen Bader has been a professional writer and an educator for over 25 years. She is the author of seven novels and numerous short story collections, and her work has appeared in magazines and anthologies including The Best American Short Stories (winner of three O. Henry Awards). Her first novel, The Little Girl Who Was Saved by a Fairy, was a national bestseller Read more

It was also made into a feature film by Disney. Her novels The Girl Who Fell from the Sky and The Girl Who Knew Too Much were both optioned as films. Her latest novel, Summer Secrets, was released in September 2015 by Sourcebooks Fire.

Her books have been translated into German, French, Italian and Spanish. Colleen lives in New York City with her husband and their daughter.

We don't have time to waste. this is why I...
We don't have time to waste. this is why I created Network & Golf. I challenge you to find one woman with nothing to do. Colleen Bader
Sometimes, beyond all else, should be a true passion and...
Sometimes, beyond all else, should be a true passion and investment in driving the result and a lack of fear associated with making it happen. Colleen Bader